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Hair Care

Hair Care Packaging

Stand out color and special effects engage consumers on the shelf

Hair care product development is strongly influenced by the growing, changing global marketplace. Consumers are seeking products that feel personalized for their grooming needs. Package design can support this trend. Stand out color not only gets products noticed at retail, but can also help customers quickly locate their specific formulation on a shelf amidst the ever-expanding number of choices.

Men's hair care is rapidly expanding globally and is one the largest growth areas. Developing unique packaging with masculine colors and finishes that clearly delineate men’s products will become increasingly important as this market expands.


  • Liquid and masterbatch colorants to provide shelf appeal 
  • Special color effects including metallic, pearlescent, marble, granite, and wood effects
  • Clarifiers and impact resistant additives for high clarity packaging that performs
  • UV additives that deliver protection for your light sensitive products
  • Soft touch TPEs for over molded caps to engage your consumers with tactile elements and provide ergonomic benefits

Polymer Additives Polymer Colorants Thermoplastic Elastomers
名称 类别 描述  
Antimicrobial Additives for Dental Products Case Study (Snapshot) WithStand™ Antimicrobial Additives maintained sufficient antimicrobial functionality while achieving lower let-down ratios (LDRs) 视图
Antimicrobials for Food Processing Environments Case Study (Snapshot) Incorporated additives to reduce microbe growth 视图
Antimicrobials for Personal Care Devices Case Study (Snapshot) Diminished microbes in patient mobility devices 视图
Antimicrobials for Potable Water Tanks Case Study (Snapshot) Mitigated causal effect of undesirable odors 视图
Antimicrobials for Roofing Membranes Case Study (Snapshot) Protected membranes from effects of flora, fungi and algae 视图
Aqueous Battery Gasket Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPE delivered excellent sealing plus chemical resistance for demanding energy storage application 视图
Building & Construction - Industry Bulletin 行业公告/概况 Comprehensive overview of Avient technologies for applications within the B&C industry 视图
Cesa™ WithStand™ Antimicrobial Solutions 产品公告 Technology description, key characteristics, markets and applications 视图
Chair Lumbar Support Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPE delivers the right support, look and feel for leading seating manufacturer's lumbar support 视图
Color and Additives Solutions Overview 产品公告 Colorant and additives overview and capabilities 视图
Color Trends in Pet Products 电子书 Color & Insights Report: January 2022 视图
ColorMatrix™ FlexCart™ G 网络研讨会与视频 Learn how to build a FlexCart™ G 视图
ColorMatrix™ Select - Product Bulletin 产品公告 Rapid Color Prototyping Technology 视图
Consumer Electronics November 2020 电子书 A look at six tech segments poised for growth, and actionable ideas to boost product performance 视图
Dental Care Products Manufacturer - Case Study 案例研究 Additives to preserve clarity and retain opacity developed for dental care products using WithStand™ 视图
Disc Golf Discs Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPEs provided a versatile material for achieving multiple disc capabilities, colors and features 视图
Disposable Syringe Tip Cap Case Study (Snapshot) Increased process efficiency and formulated a solution that met rigorous medical application requirements 视图
Durability for Cooler Feet and Wagon Wheel Tread Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ G provides durability and UV stability for cooler feet and wagon wheel tread 视图
Dynaflex™ G2711 Thermoplastic Elastomer Face Mask Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ G2711 Thermoplastic Elastomer provides biocompatibility and soft touch for face mask ventilation valve  视图
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Market and Solutions 行业公告/概况 Overview of EV charging market and technologies to enhance public charging stations 视图
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Solutions 产品公告 Challenges and solutions for materials used in EV charging stations 视图
Engineered Polymer Formulations for Firearm Components 产品选择指南 Overview of technologies, characteristics, and applications. 视图
GLS™ TPE Infant Care Solutions Guide - Product Selection Guide (Chinese) 产品选择指南 Ideal TPEs for safe, durable and regulatory compliant applications like pacifiers, bottles and bathtubs (Chinese language version) 视图
GLS™ TPE Infant Care Solutions Guide - Product Selection Guide (English) 产品选择指南 Ideal TPEs for safe, durable and regulatory compliant applications like pacifiers, bottles and bathtubs (English language version) 视图
GLS™ TPE Soft-Touch Grips Indoor - Application Bulletin 应用公告 Value information and price comparison of GLS™ TPE soft-touch grips for indoor applications 视图
GLS™ TPEs - Injection Molding Guide 加工指南 Guide to part design, mold design, hot runner systems, overmolding, machine selection, material handling and preparation, processing conditions and troubleshooting for GLS™ solutions 视图
GLS™ TPEs - Overmolding Guide 加工指南 Guide to overmolding material selection, part and mold design, material handling and preparation, TPE injection molding, processing, maximizing adhesion and troubleshooting for GLS™ TPEs 视图
GLS™ TPEs Packaging Selection Guide - Product Selection Guide 产品选择指南 GLS™ TPEs for soft touch packaging solutions 视图
Impress™ High Gloss Colorants - Product Bulletin (Chinese) 产品公告 Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (Chinese language version) 视图
Knee Brace Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPE offered material that passed required FDA regulations and provided ultra soft tactile finish to knee brace 视图
Lower Exterior Bumper Case Study (Snapshot) Smartbatch™ Combination Colorants and Additives give the metallic look without the paint for an exterior bumper 视图
OnCap Light Shield Damage Protection - White Paper (Chinese) 白皮书 Information on application and use of light shield additives to protect products from light damage (Chinese language version) 视图
OnCap™ Light Shield Damage Protection - White Paper 白皮书 Information on the application and use of light shield additives to protect products from light damage 视图
OnColor™ Brilliant Metallics - Product Bulletin (Chinese) 产品公告 Learn how OnColor Brilliant Metallic Colorants produce a striking look for polymer parts (Chinese language version) 视图
OnColor™ Brilliant Metallics - Product Bulletin (English) 产品公告 Learn how OnColor Brilliant Metallic Colorants produce a striking look for polymer parts (English language version) 视图
OnColor™ FX Special Effect Colorants 产品公告 Overview of applications and benefits 视图
OnColor™ Impress™ High Gloss Metallic Effect Colorants (English) 产品公告 Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (English language version) 视图
PET Bottle for Hair Care Case Study (Snapshot) OnColor™ Frost PET Effect delivered customized color and anti-UV combination for hair care bottle 视图
Pressure and Non-Pressure Pipes Case Study (Snapshot) Provided liquid colorant and dosing equipment for pipe manufacturer 视图
Specialty Engineered Materials for Healthcare 产品选择指南 View our portfolio on specialty engineered materials for healthcare 视图
Specialty Engineered Materials for Healthcare (Chinese) 产品选择指南 View our portfolio on specialty engineered materials for healthcare (Chinese language version) 视图
Thermoplastic Elastomers Product Selection Guide - North America Portfolio 产品选择指南 Explore our product guide for innovative TPE solutions for thousands of applications 视图
TPEs for Anti-Vibration Feet - Application Bulletin 应用公告 Reduce movement of top load washing machines with TPEs for anti-vibration feet  视图
TPEs for Home Appliances 产品公告 GLS TPEs are designed to help you stand out from your competitors with reduced appliance movement and noise 视图
Webinar: Overmolding with Thermoplastic Elastomers – An Essential Guide Webinar Learn about overmolding, material selection to enhance function, and design considerations that can help you address challenges and delight customers 视图
WithStand™ Antimicrobial Solutions for Electronic Accessories 应用公告 Explore the many ways WithStand™ antimicrobial additives enhance product performance 视图