
Human Rights

Avient is dedicated to conducting business ethically and with integrity, and our Human Rights Policy is part of our commitment to socially responsible business practices.

We have internal assessment processes in place, under the oversight of our executive leaders, to identify potential human rights risks. For example, through these processes, we have identified potential human rights risks, including: protecting the health and safety of our associates and contractors, addressing modern slavery in the supply chain and preventing, minimizing and eliminating waste contamination in the environment.

Ongoing potential risk identification and mitigation in occupational health and safety is critical to our “safety first” culture. Focus on continuous improvement in this area is described in Occupational Health and Safety.

As reflected in our Code of Conduct, we forbid any form of forced labor or human trafficking in connection with our business, and expect the same of our suppliers, agents, and distributors. We have also established certain due diligence processes to identify and mitigate possible risks in our supply chain, such as in our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.

Regular audits are conducted to inspect our external waste disposal companies to ensure proper disposal and to avoid water and other environmental contamination, as described in Waste: Preventing, Minimizing, Eliminating.

Additional information can be found in our Human Rights Policy.